Opens Recipe for Resilience: Disease vs Matisse blog post

Recipe for Resilience: Disease vs Matisse

At the close of 2018 my body was going haywire. I became overwhelmed by extreme fatigue, respiratory problems, and incapacitating headaches. I was experiencing heavy depression, constant mood swings and a non-stop flaring of binge eating. I was terrified. I thought I had come down with some permanent damage like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – the …

London Art College Digital Illustration diploma and a montage of assignments

London Art College graduation

London Art College Digital Illustration diploma and a montage of assignments
London Art College Digital Illustration diploma and a montage of assignments

An end-of-year montage of school work. I spent the last 18 months working on something to hang on the wall in the FayJay foyer. The challenge of delivering timely digital artworks on a variety of subjects, with a variety of tools – sometimes figuratively with one arm tied behind my back, was fun. I will share some of these pieces in isolation, but for now here is a thumbnail kaleidoscope of my London Art College Digital Illustration assignments.

Digital Snoopy painting

Snoopy inspiration

On a recent visit to the attic (looking for some particular 80s synthpop vinyl records) I stumbled upon a cardboard box full of one of my childhood’s greatest drawing inspirations-Snoopy. Charles M Schulz’s simple, elegant flowing line which defined the brilliant beagle, is perhaps the strongest blueprint and starting point for my own character designs. …

Projects with Jeff West as creative lead

Jeff West Projects

Projects with Jeff West as creative lead
A DinoBunny bunny and Yggy

Jeff’s artwork

Here is a selection of Jeff’s artwork (possibly at time of writing). My portfolio is constantly evolving, as projects and commissions arise, so do investigate other areas of our website to experience more!